· By Rebecca Rescate
Meet Kali, a new CitiKitty from Ontario, Canada
This letter came to use via email from CitiKitty super fan Jackie! Jackie was so excited to have her kitty learn to the use the toilet with CitiKitty she could not help but share.
Dear CitiKitty,I saw the CitiKitty on Shark Tank. I thought what a great idea but was skeptical. In June I adopted a new kitten and purchased CitiKitty. My family told me I was nuts to even think I could toilet train my cat and said I would be wasting my money. Well they are eating their words now and are totally amazed that they have witnessed this to be true. The training was simple. I never had any problems with any of the steps, and surprisingly it was not as messy as I thought it would be. It is truly amazing and I will be telling everyone I know about your product, and also bragging about my cats success thanks to CitiKitty.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful invention.
Jackie - Ontario Canada