Press Room

Thanks for watching CitiKitty Founder Rebecca Rescate on ABC's hit show Shark Tank!

To read more about Rebecca or CitiKitty please visit About Us >>

CitiKitty has been featured on television, print and radio around the world. If you would like to feature CitiKitty or CitiKitty Founder Rebecca Rescate please contact us. 


215-310-5420 (office)
917-573-7673 (cell)

PRESS - Northeastern Alum goes for Round 2 on Shark Tank After successfully funding and building her first company with a Shark Tank pitch, Northeastern alumna Rebecca Rescate was back on last week, trading feline potty training for a pillow that doubles as a hoodie. - Swimming with Sharks Necessity may be the mother of invention, but Chris Hindley was the father of newborn triplets. And what he needed most was some uninterrupted sleep.

Fox Business - Nightly Scoreboard Small Business Goes to the Dogs, or Cats - The old expression 'necessity is the mother of invention' applies to our next guest. After moving into a small Manhattan apartment she had no place to hide her cats litter box so she invented CitiKitty. Watch Video >>